The Jersey Effect Weekend in Tennessee with High Impact Teens Reaches Out To 6000+

When we put our heads together to begin writing the book, “The Jersey Effect”, we wondered what kind of response the book would receive once it was in the market. It’s been great to see how God has used the message already. Our publisher printed 5000 books and released it on June 1, 2012. As of this week those books are essentially sold out and a new printing of 3000 more are already in the warehouse.

Darrin Gray and Hunter Smith joined me in Dayton, Tennessee the weekend of August 11, 12 and 13. We scheduled 7 events in 48 hours around the message of The Jersey Effect. On Saturday evening Hunter spoke at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga to several thousand at the high school football jamboree. We did two church services on Sunday morning and an area wide youth rally on Sunday night. We rented out the Roane State Community College gymnasium in Harriman, TN and had over 500 in attendance. The evening youth rally was in partnership with The ONE Youth Rallies of Roane County. Monday we hosted a breakfast with local business leaders and did a school assembly at Spring City Middle School and led a leadership session at Roane County High School kicking off their P3 Student Leadership groups for their 2012-2013 school year. P3 stands for Positive Peer Pressure and our ministry will be overseeing much of the program this year for the school clubs.

One of the highlights of the weekend was the generous sponsorships we received from area businesses and individuals. La-Z-Boy, First Bank of Tennessee, Community National Bank, Dayton Utilities, uthStuph Clothing, Rhea County Anti-Drug Coalition, Roane County Anti-Drug Coalition and the support of Cardinal Contracting of Indiana were all great sponsors. Jerry Duncan Ford sponsored the purchase of 400 Jersey Effect books to be given to all teens who attended the youth rally. The teens who received the books signed a commitment card to read the book with an open heart to receive the message God would have for them. We also have all the names, addresses and emails to add to our youth outreach e-newsletter for teens so we can continue to follow up and disciple them. We will be connecting all of them who do not have a church home to youth groups in the area.

It was a great weekend of events!