High Impact Teen Journal

The High Impact Teen Spiritual Journal is a one-year journal that has been used by over 20,000 teens in the USA as well as New Zealand, Canada, Africa, South America, the Philippines, and beyond! Our research has revealed that approximately 20% of church teens read the Bible on their own but over 80% of teens that keep a spiritual journal read the Bible at least 4 days out of 7 on a weekly basis. The High Impact Teen journal has 5 different Bible reading plans, a spiritual journal section, a sermon notes journal, scripture memory, and a prayer journal.


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Growing In The Spiritual Disciplines!
Here are 7 Habits That Will Help You Grow as a Christian

1. Devotional Journal – Keep a devotional journal and consistently write down the truths you are learning from scripture and how you are putting these truths into practice.

2. Prayer Journal – Keep a journal of prayer requests, and as much as possible, be specific in your prayers so you can record the date God answered prayer in your life.

3. Scripture Memory – Memorize verses of scripture and allow God to use the scripture to help you grow as a Christian.

4. Sermon Notes – Take your journal to church with you and take notes on the Bible messages and lessons you hear. Refer back to these notes often in order to remember what God has taught you.

5. Christian Service – Find ways to serve the Lord by helping others. Put your faith into practice by helping others in need and showing God’s love. Talk to your pastor or teachers about ways to actively serve God in your community.

6. Sermon Audio – Listen to Bible messages throughout the week. Find good Bible teachers and preachers on the radio or on the Internet, and listen to messages that will help you and challenge you to grow spiritually.

7. Read Books – Read good Christian books on topics that will help you grow spiritually. Read Christian biographies of others who have served God and been used by Him mightily.

Let Us Hear From You! Let us know how you are doing in your journey with God. Visit our website and keep in touch! Let us know how we can help you, and share with us how God has used the High Impact Teen Spiritual Journal to help you know Him better.

High Impact Teens: Ken Turner Ministries
PO Box 375
Benson, IL 61516


Website: www.kenturnerministries.org
Phone: (423) 381-0018
E-mail: kenturner@highimpactteens.org