My Blog
Knowing God, finding purpose, making an impact on the world around us.READ
Recent Posts
Christmas Project: Good News for Youth
Christmas is coming soon, and I'd like to share a special project you can participate in! We are calling our Christmas Project "Good News for Youth." We will deliver a Christmas gift bag to youth in Illinois, Tennessee, and Indiana juvenile centers. Each bag will...
Giving Tuesday!
Your gift will help bring the gospel to fatherless youth! On this Giving Tuesday, join us in our outreach to high-risk and fatherless youth. Your gift to High Impact Ministries will be used to bring the hope...
Donate HIT Journals to Transform Youth in Africa
Way back around 2008, I received a call from Missionary Fred Kearney in Ghana, West Africa. We did not know each other, but he explained he recently walked into his office in Ghana, and a book was on his desk. It was my High Impact Teen one-year spiritual...
Easter Project: Rise Up For Youth
Easter is coming soon, and I'd like to share a special project you can participate in! We are calling our Easter outreach project "Rise Up for Youth." We will deliver an Easter gift bag to youth in juvenile centers in Tennessee, Indiana, and Illinois. Each bag...
How to Be Fully Surrendered to God
Accepting Jesus as your Savior is the greatest decision you will ever make but have you experienced the freedom of being fully surrendered to God. Romans 12:1, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,...
How Reading 5-15 Bible Verses Can Be a Game-Changer
If you struggle to read the Bible you are not alone. When I was a youth pastor in Indianapolis, IN I surveyed our youth group of almost 100 teens about their relationship with the Bible. Most of them were living in strong Christian homes and were attending church and...
“God is Changing My Mind” – High Impact Ministries Update
Each month, I enjoy sharing stories of how God is at work in the hearts and lives of the high-risk and fatherless youth we are reaching. In our Bible study in the juvenile center this past week, one of the high school guys wanted to share how God has been transforming...
He Had Never Heard The Gospel Presented Before
I meet new teenagers regularly in my weekly High Impact Teen Bible study in the juvenile center in Normal, IL. There are a few guys I've been seeing for months, and the spiritual growth I see in them is encouraging! A couple of weeks ago, I met two new...
Fight By Being Still – 2 Chronicles 20:17
This Week's Theme: Be Still - by Ken Turner "You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you." II Chronicles 20:17 Thought For Today Sometimes God may tell you the best strategy to win...
6 Things That Will Bring People Back to Your Church
Caring about and acknowledging others impacts joy, health, and even the effective spreading of the gospel. John said in III John 1:14 to salute and greet Christian friends by name. The Greek word used for salute and greet was originally described this way. When you...
News & Updates
Christmas Project: Good News for Youth
Christmas is coming soon, and I'd like to share a special project you can participate in! We are calling our Christmas Project "Good News for Youth." We will deliver a Christmas gift bag to youth in Illinois, Tennessee, and Indiana juvenile centers. Each bag will...
Giving Tuesday!
Your gift will help bring the gospel to fatherless youth! On this Giving Tuesday, join us in our outreach to high-risk and fatherless youth. Your gift to High Impact Ministries will be used to bring the hope...
Donate HIT Journals to Transform Youth in Africa
Way back around 2008, I received a call from Missionary Fred Kearney in Ghana, West Africa. We did not know each other, but he explained he recently walked into his office in Ghana, and a book was on his desk. It was my High Impact Teen one-year spiritual...