Christmas Project: Good News for Youth

Christmas Project: Good News for Youth

Christmas is coming soon, and I’d like to share a special project you can participate in!

We are calling our Christmas Project “Good News for Youth.” We will deliver a Christmas gift bag to youth in Illinois, Tennessee, and Indiana juvenile centers. Each bag will contain a Bible, Christmas gift devotional books such as God’s Blessing of Christmas, A Love Worth Giving To You At Christmas, The Four Emotions of Christmas, and Christmas gospel tracts. We will also include knit hats, gloves and some Christmas candy. Imagine spending the Christmas season away from family as a teenager and having little to no contact with loved ones. At times like this God often moves in special ways to speak the message of His love into hearts and minds. We want youth to know there is “Good News.” Christ was born in order that they might receive the greatest gift of all… God’s gift of salvation. What a great gift to recieve this Christmas!

You Can Help In Two Ways

  1. Every $25 donated will provide a “Good News For Youth” gift bag with these powerful gospel tools. Our goal is to impact at least 300 youth this Christmas, and if possible, we could impact 1000 youth. We can do more as God provides through His people. To give to this project, go to and select High Impact Ministries and the subfund “High Impact Needs – Special Projects.”
  2. Write a letter to a high-risk and fatherless teen in juvenile detention. We are collecting letters to teens in juvenile centers this Christmas and could use your help! See these instructions and consider writing a letter to a high-risk, fatherless teen. We have an online form so you can write and submit it online, and we will print it and include it in the special Christmas Gift bags we are distributing. Here is the link to write and submit your letter.

Your gift at this time will also provide funds to continue sharing the life-changing message of the gospel with fatherless youth throughout the rest of this year and next year!

God bless you as you prayerfully consider partnering to spread the gospel to fatherless youth.

In Christ,

Ken Turner

Giving Tuesday!

Giving Tuesday!

Your gift will help bring the gospel to fatherless youth!

On this Giving Tuesday, join us in our outreach to high-risk and fatherless youth. Your gift to High Impact Ministries will be used to bring the hope of the gospel of Jesus to youth who desperately need it.

Give Online

Here are a few ways your gift today will help us reach youth at the end of the year!

High Impact Ministries – Outreach project to provide Bibles and devotional journals to fatherless youth in juvenile centers across Tennessee, Indiana, and our newest outreach in Illinois. Our other project is to provide Christmas gift bags to 500 or more teens in juvenile centers. Each teen will receive a gift on Christmas with personal toiletries, a Bible, and a devotional book. Your gift will impact hundreds of youth.

High Impact York – Our outreach in York, PA, led by Tom Vietti, focuses on reaching high-risk and fatherless youth in the York County Youth Development Center and the Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center. Tom also leads a Wilderness Discipleship Ministry throughout the year. Funds are needed to bring the gospel to the youth in York, Lancaster, and the surrounding area and for expenses to grow the Wilderness Discipleship Ministry. Thank you for praying and partnering with this vital ministry.

High Impact School Outreach – Joshua Goodling leads our outreach and speaks in public schools throughout KY, TN, VA, GA, SC, and NC. He never charges for his time or travel expenses, yet he has spoken to over 20,000 students in the past few years. Joshua is working on getting his booklet “How to Walk With God” into the hands of students through public school FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) clubs. In the past year, he launched Operation FCA Booklets. He has mailed over 4,000 booklets to almost 60 schools in 12 states. Your gift will help with printing more booklets and getting them into the hands of our young people. Your support will allow Joshua to continue spreading the gospel to students!

Join us and make a difference in the life of a fatherless teen on this “Giving Tuesday.”

In Christ,

Ken Turner


Donate HIT Journals to Transform Youth in Africa

Donate HIT Journals to Transform Youth in Africa

Way back around 2008, I received a call from Missionary Fred Kearney in Ghana, West Africa. We did not know each other, but he explained he recently walked into his office in Ghana, and a book was on his desk. It was my High Impact Teen one-year spiritual journal. To this day, no one knows how it got there. He called the phone number printed on the back of the book, and I answered. He explained that this one-year devotional journal was exactly what he needed to disciple youth and young adults in Africa. We shipped him about 75 HIT Journals, and since then, we have reprinted and shipped HIT Journals that hundreds of youth have used in his ministry from surrounding churches.

He needs 120 more HIT Journals for his “Because of the Hour” youth conference in October. What excites me about this is that I know the youth in Africa value the one-year spiritual journal; they appreciate it so much, and they write on every page. Here in the USA, we have tracked the statistics and teenagers that have used the HIT Journal average spending at least 4 out of 7 days each week in personal devotions. I’m sure in Africa, that statistic is higher.

If you would like to donate to help fund this amazing project, it costs about $12 per journal, and your investment will provide a spiritual impact that will carry on for a full year. After we exceed the needed funds for the youth in Africa, we are printing more HIT Journals for the youth we serve in the juvenile centers in IL, IN, TN, and beyond. 

You can give at or by mail at our address below.

God bless you!

In Christ,

Ken Turner

High Impact Ministries
PO Box 375
Benson, IL 61516

Here are some ways you can partner with us and impact a fatherless teenager.

1. We send Bibles, devotional books, and spiritual resources to youth in juvenile centers.  Your support each month helps provide these resources for teens. If you’d like to partner with us on this project, you can give online or at the address below. Select the “High Impact Needs” fund on our online giving link to support this project.

2. We are continuing to collect “Letters to Fatherless Youth.” You can write and submit a letter online using the form we provide at this link. It’s quick and easy! 

Easter Project: Rise Up For Youth

Easter Project: Rise Up For Youth

Easter is coming soon, and I’d like to share a special project you can participate in!

We are calling our Easter outreach project “Rise Up for Youth.” We will deliver an Easter gift bag to youth in juvenile centers in Tennessee, Indiana, and Illinois. Each bag will contain a Bible, a book called The Case For Easter, a book called The Case For Christ, and some Easter candy. These books are by former “atheist turned Christian” and former legal editor for the Chicago Tribune, Lee Strobel. Both books make a powerful case for the evidence of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I know you will agree that we are in a culture war between good and evil for today’s youth’s hearts, minds, and souls. And the frontline of the battle is in the heart of our fatherless youth.

You Can Help In Two Ways

  1. Every $25 donated will provide a “Rise Up For Youth” gift bag with these powerful gospel tools. Our goal is to impact at least 300 youth this Easter, and if possible, we could impact 1000 youth. We can do more as God provides through His people. To give to this project, go to and select High Impact Ministries and the subfund “Rise Up For Youth.”
  2. Write a letter to a high-risk and fatherless teen in juvenile detention. I am collecting letters to teens in juvenile centers this Easter, and I could use your help! See these instructions and consider writing a letter to a high-risk, fatherless teen. I have an online form so you can write and submit it to me online, and I’ll print it and include it in our special Easter Gift bags we are distributing. Here is the link to write and submit your letter.

Your gift at this time will also provide funds to continue sharing the life-changing message of the gospel with fatherless youth throughout the rest of this year!

God bless you as you prayerfully consider partnering to spread the gospel to fatherless youth.

In Christ,

Ken Turner

How to Be Fully Surrendered to God

How to Be Fully Surrendered to God

Accepting Jesus as your Savior is the greatest decision you will ever make but have you experienced the freedom of being fully surrendered to God.

Romans 12:1, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

Here is what it means to be fully surrendered to God based on Romans 12:1.

  1. The Decision to Yield – “Present your body.” The word present means to yield. Just like the image of a fork in the road, a choice between two options and a “my way or His way” option… every person will one day have to decide whether to give Christ his or her all or hold back. The world is filled with examples of people who have chosen Christ to have a “free ticket to heaven” but continue to pursue their goals without seeking His will. The beginning of a life of surrender is to yield to Him and say, “I’ll choose His way over my way.” Are you open to asking Him before making plans for your life? Are you willing to hear His voice and yield to His will?
  1. The Degree of Surrender – “Your body.” The word body means the entire instrument of life. Jesus asks us to yield our whole body. Can you tell Him, “I yield my eyes to you and ask you to take control of everything I choose to see. I yield my mind to you and everything I choose to think about. I yield my ears to you and everything I choose to listen to. I yield my heart to you and every desire. I yield my hands and feet to you and everything I choose to do with my hands and every place I choose to go with my feet. I yield my tongue to you and every word that comes from my mouth.” The decision is to yield, and that decision’s degree or depth is 100% of your life.
  1. The Dedication – “Holy and acceptable to God.” To be holy is to be set apart for a special purpose. It’s not only to be separated from something but also to be separated unto something. Are you willing to take the eternal gift of salvation and a promise of heaven and tell the Lord that you will live out your life here on earth 100% surrendered to Him, dedicated to His service, and yielded to His will? You will be amazed at the peace and joy you will experience when you stop fighting for your own will and yield to the perfect will of God.

Why not pray today and tell Jesus, “I’m so thankful for your salvation, and I want to commit myself fully to you, fully surrendered and yielded to serve you and follow your will.”

Ken Turner

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