I meet new teenagers regularly in my weekly High Impact Teen Bible study in the juvenile center in Normal, IL. There are a few guys I’ve been seeing for months, and the spiritual growth I see in them is encouraging! A couple of weeks ago, I met two new guys, and they were very engaged in the scripture we were studying together. As we came to the end of the study, I mentioned the subject of the gospel… and what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I asked if they had ever been told how to know Jesus as their Savior personally. These “new guys” said, “No, I’ve never heard this before.” I proceeded to share the gospel message, and it is such an honor to be in a front-line ministry where I have the opportunity to be the first person ever to share the gospel with someone. I was on vacation last week on a trip to Florida, but I will see these guys again tomorrow at our next Bible study. Pray for them as they have been “pondering” the meaning of accepting Christ.
Please keep in your prayers the outreach ministry in Normal, IL; Peoria, IL (where I recently completed a three-month study on fatherhood); the outreach in Galesburg, IL, led by Rob Skow, the outreach in York, PA, led by Tom Vietti, the outreach ministry of Joshua Goodling in Knoxville, TN, and the outreaches that continue to flourish in Nashville, TN, Memphis, TN, and Indianapolis, IN.
Thank you for all your prayers and support! It’s because of you and your partnership and the faithfulness of God we can reach fatherless youth.
In Christ,
Ken Turner
PS. If you haven’t made a recent gift to help bring the hope of the gospel to fatherless youth, please consider donating today. Give at https://kenturnerministries.org/give/
Our new mailing address is:
Ken and Jennifer Turner
High Impact Ministries
PO Box 375
Benson, IL 61516