Way back around 2008, I received a call from Missionary Fred Kearney in Ghana, West Africa. We did not know each other, but he explained he recently walked into his office in Ghana, and a book was on his desk. It was my High Impact Teen one-year spiritual journal. To this day, no one knows how it got there. He called the phone number printed on the back of the book, and I answered. He explained that this one-year devotional journal was exactly what he needed to disciple youth and young adults in Africa. We shipped him about 75 HIT Journals, and since then, we have reprinted and shipped HIT Journals that hundreds of youth have used in his ministry from surrounding churches.
He needs 120 more HIT Journals for his “Because of the Hour” youth conference in October. What excites me about this is that I know the youth in Africa value the one-year spiritual journal; they appreciate it so much, and they write on every page. Here in the USA, we have tracked the statistics and teenagers that have used the HIT Journal average spending at least 4 out of 7 days each week in personal devotions. I’m sure in Africa, that statistic is higher.
If you would like to donate to help fund this amazing project, it costs about $12 per journal, and your investment will provide a spiritual impact that will carry on for a full year. After we exceed the needed funds for the youth in Africa, we are printing more HIT Journals for the youth we serve in the juvenile centers in IL, IN, TN, and beyond.
You can give at www.kenturnerministries.org/give or by mail at our address below.
God bless you!
In Christ,
Ken Turner
High Impact Ministries
PO Box 375
Benson, IL 61516
Here are some ways you can partner with us and impact a fatherless teenager.
1. We send Bibles, devotional books, and spiritual resources to youth in juvenile centers. Your support each month helps provide these resources for teens. If you’d like to partner with us on this project, you can give online or at the address below. Select the “High Impact Needs” fund on our online giving link to support this project.
2. We are continuing to collect “Letters to Fatherless Youth.” You can write and submit a letter online using the form we provide at this link. It’s quick and easy! https://forms.gle/US37RjyLRoR4REVm6