*Randy was so mad! He slipped in to our Bible study after a last minute decision to come. He was mad at another guy who was controlling the TV in their room that evening in the detention center. He heard there was a Bible study that was about to start and he thought maybe there would be food. So he came… only for the food. He walked in to the room and it was obvious that he would be disappointed because there was no food. He sat down right next to me. We quickly jumped in to the Word and had a very lively study of the scripture and moment by moment his countenance changed. By the end of the study Randy was talking, asking questions and sharing insights about the text. He wanted to get something off his chest at the end. He said, “I came tonight because I was really mad at a guy in our unit and I thought this would be a way to get out and cool off… and I thought there would be food. But I have been fed spiritually and God has made it so clear that everything we studied tonight from the Bible was exactly what I needed. I’m so thankful God brought me here tonight.

In Christ,

Ken Turner

*Names are changed to protect the privacy of the youth we serve.

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