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First Person Interview with Wayne Shepherd which aired on Moody Radio Nationwide. 85-90% of youth in juvenile detention are fatherless
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Who We Are and What We Do
We are an outreach ministry to high-risk and fatherless youth.
- The High Impact Teen Outreach is our outreach ministry to high-risk and fatherless youth.
- The High Impact Teen Journal is our one-year spiritual journal used by over 15,000 youth.
- The High Impact Mentoring is our training program for investing deeply in life on life relationships with fatherless youth. It’s also our discipleship model for those who have met the “Father to the fatherless.”
- High Impact York is our youth outreach led by Tom Vietti in York, PA. Tom ministers to high-risk and fatherless youth and joined our ministry team in November 2017.
- You can join the team! We can train you to start a ministry to youth in your local juvenile center, mentor a fatherless teen in your community, become a volunteer and visit and encourage a teen from a broken home and more!
About Ken
Ken Turner has been in full-time youth ministry since September 13, 1987. After twenty years of full-time youth ministry, Ken established a ministry in 2007 with a key focus on reaching high-risk and fatherless youth in the community of Indianapolis, Indiana. The result was an immediate invitation to develop key outreach programs in the Marion County Juvenile Detention Center. Approximately 2000 youth are detained each year in the MCJDC. Within the first twenty-four months of ministry in this facility, Ken was able to help the staff recruit a volunteer team from local churches that expanded into hundreds of volunteers. There were also over 250 youth that made decisions to accept Christ into their life in the same period.
In 2010, Ken was recruited to work as Assistant Director of Fort Bluff Camp and serve as the Chaplain of the National Association of Christian Athletes (NACA) in Dayton, TN. After serving this ministry for two years, Ken began to learn more about the needs in East Tennessee among fatherless youth and struggling families. Doors began to open and the High Impact Teen youth outreach was invited into all three of Tennessee’s youth development centers located in East, Middle and West Tennessee. In 2012 Ken transitioned away from the ministry of Fort Bluff Camp to focus full-time on outreach ministry to Tennessee’s fatherless youth.
Currently, the High Impact Teen outreach is in the juvenile development centers in Dandridge, TN (near Knoxville), Nashville, TN, Somerville, TN (near Memphis), Indianapolis, IN, and York, PA.
Some of Our Key Ministry Programs:
The High Impact Man study for teen boys who are fatherless. 80-90% of young men in juvenile detention are “fatherless” and have limited understanding (or no understanding at all) of God’s plan for them as a man. One teenage boy said it this way, “We don’t know how to walk like a man, talk like a man, or how to treat a woman. We don’t know because we have never had a man in our life to teach us. We want someone to teach us God’s plan for us as men.”
High Impact Mentoring for troubled youth. Recruiting, training and managing a team of adults in the community to become engaged as mentors to troubled youth. This is our newest ministry outreach, and we need many volunteers to get involved! We offer training, screening, matching and ongoing support for our mentors. There are several ways you can participate in our mentor outreach. Contact us to learn more.
High Impact Parenting is our ministry to parents of teens. Attend our parenting class in Dayton, Tennessee, or we can speak to your parents of your church or ministry.
High Impact Teens provides worship services in juvenile centers, Bible studies, spiritual care for staff and students and assists in recruiting more volunteers to spiritually care for high-risk and fatherless youth.
York Teen Haven is our youth outreach center in the inner city of York, PA. York Teen Haven has been reaching youth in York, PA for over 25 years. Alex Mikusow has served as the director of YTH for over two decades and is passionate about reaching youth with the gospel in the inner city of York, PA. To learn more about York Teen Haven visit yorkteenhaven.org
More About Us
All Pro Dad is the Fatherhood Program founded by Tony Dungy. Ken has been a frequent speaker at All Pro Dad Father and Kids NFL events presenting the message of the importance of fatherhood to thousands of men. Ken has spoken at the Indianapolis Colts, Tennessee Titans, and Carolina Panthers All Pro Dad events.
The Marion County Juvenile Detention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana was the original “launch site” of our ministry in 2008. We continue to host events there such as the Man Up Conference, a weekend event teaching the Biblical principles of manhood to fatherless young men.
The Jersey Effect and the Indianapolis Colts.
Ken co-authored The Jersey Effect along with Hunter Smith (retired NFL Indianapolis Colts), Darrin Gray (National Development Director of All Pro Dad) and Stephen Copeland (Sports Spectrum Magazine). Former Indianapolis Colts head coach, Tony Dungy wrote the foreword and provided a chapter in the book as well. To learn more about “The Jersey Effect” book visit www.jerseyeffect.org
Who Provides Funding
Our work is funded by a small group of friends and partners who believe in the value of investing in this generation of youth. With the breakdown of the family structure and the tremendous pressures our youth are facing, we have seen incredible victories in the lives of troubled youth and families by providing a caring ministry of teaching, mentoring and parent support.
Contact us if you would like to become a supporter or sponsor at the address below. Donations are tax deductible. Ken Turner Ministries is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization.
You may also visit our “Give” page on this website to make an online donation. Find it here.
Donations can be mailed to:
Ken Turner Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 1325
Dayton, TN 37321
(423) 381-0018
Our physical address is:
Ken Turner Ministries
289 Main Street
Dayton, TN 37321