Have you considered a commitment to Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? If you have committed your life to Christ and want to live a Christian life as authentic as possible… check out the message of Hebrews 10:19-39.

Here is what authentic faith looks like.

You Understand That You Have Access to God (Read Hebrews 10:19-21)

People PrayingWhen a person commits their life to Jesus Christ and accepts Christ as their personal Savior, there is now an immediate access to God. No more need to make sacrifices (like those in the Old Testament). Jesus stands as our mediator on our behalf and we are now linked to God the Father. Authentic faith understands that I now have an amazing open door directly to God and doesn’t take that for granted!

Hebrews 10:19-21

You Trust God Enough to Draw Close to Him (Read Hebrews 10:22-23)

Authentic faith understands that God is trustworthy and He is loving. Authentic faith lives with a desire to be closer and closer to God…not further and further from Him. Embracing a sincere relationship with God with a true heart, clean from willful and disobedient acts of sin. It’s a heart and body washed (through the testimony of baptism) and a commitment to “hold fast” to the truths of His word, never wavering in our trust that He and His word are true!

You Are Motivated to Make a Difference in This World (Read Hebrews 10:24-39)

Authentic faith involves:

  1. Provoking (influencing) others to good works… Godly living.
  2. Worship, study and prayer together with other believers.
  3. A fear of the consequences of sin.
  4. A realization that offending the spirit of grace is worse than breaking the laws of Moses.
  5. A respect toward the reality of God’s judgement.
  6. A realization of the glory given as a result of endurance through trials.
  7. Embracing the life of “living by faith.”
  8. A commitment to never “shrink back” from a personal commitment and conviction that Christ must be central in my life.

Ken Turner

Learn more at https://kenturnerministries.org/walking-with-god/

Email me at kenturner@highimpactteens.org