You can make a difference that will last for eternity by giving to bring the gospel to hundreds of youth.

90% of the youth we serve are fatherless.

70% of youth in juvenile detention have committed “crimes of survival” meaning they are in trouble for choosing to do something to help them survive. Things such as stealing food because they are hungry or skipping school to try to support their family in poverty are common.

Over 300 teens have accepted Christ as Savior since our ministry started.

Your gift will fund a gift of a student Bible and my spiritual journal which teaches teens how engage with God through His word and really develop a personal relationship with Him. Our goal is to provide the gospel to 29 youth facilities in Tennessee and in Indiana.

$15 provides 1 Bible and 1 Spiritual Journal.
$75 provides 5 teens with a Bible and Spiritual Journal.
$150 provides for 10 teens, $300 provides for 20 teens, $1500 funds an entire detention facility of 100 youth!
Click here to make your tax deductible gift today.
Click here to set up a monthly donation to provide the gospel month after month to fatherless youth and become a part of our ministry support team!

Visit our giving page to learn more about ways you can become involved.